
New TV Entertainment Center Soon I Hope!

This is not my living room, but it is
the same console I have
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Remember me saying that I planned on repurposing my old entertainment center whenever I eventually get a new one, or selling it on Craigslist? Well Crystal and I were talking the other day and she mentioned wanting to get a new one soon because hers is literally about to fall apart. I told her I'd sell her mine if she wanted it whenever we managed to get a new one, and she said she'd like that. I told her I'd check the condition of it and give her an estimate, but if I had to make a guess I'd say around $150 (we paid $400 for it at Best Buy a year and a half ago; it sells for $350 now).
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So then of course (of course! Wouldn't you go shopping?) I started shopping for a new one. And I found one at Ikea that I LOVE. And then I realized that it has to be mounted that it has to be mounted to the wall over the TV, and since our tv has to go against the stair wall, that wouldn't be possible. So then I was like well frick. Lol.

So, as much I as I want a wall-unit entertainment center (all that shelving! Plus I've just always wanted one), it appears it is not going to be possible, at least not for now. (I'd love to move it to another wall but we'd have to buy a wireless router, have the cable/internet re-routed or live with cords/cables going across the floor. Neither is happening any time soon.)

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I resigned myself to finding one I like that's not a wall unit. Ikea doesn't have any that I'm crazy about (at least none that would hold our 47" tv). I found very few that I like for what I'm looking for for the space (the one I have now is a very heavy piece, too heavy for the space; I want something more open, which is why I loved the Expedit), and after a lot of review reading on different sites, I settled on one. I love the open backing, and the side shelving too. I just hope it lives up to its picture. Its from Wal-Mart, so I'm extremely skittish, but the reviews were mostly positive. And even for a piece like the one I've got already, which came perfectly packaged and drilled and assembled wonderfully easily, there are still some bad reviews saying things arrived damaged or wrong parts or improperly drilled. So I think I'm going to take a chance with it and hope for the best. And it only costs $99, so I've got a little extra to play with, which of course makes me happy.

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